Sara Farooqi

Venture Leader

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Sara brings 15+ years of experience leading at the intersection of operations, organizational culture, and social impact. A true management generalist, Sara has led teams and initiatives across a variety of sectors and industries, including public higher education, IT consulting, a Fortune 10 company, and as the general manager for a social impact start-up.

As an independent consultant, Sara has served as an interim executive for a national ed-tech non-profit organization in addition to facilitating strategic planning and leadership development programs. Sara also supports direct-service non-profit organizations on survey design and data analysis as a coach with Listen4Good.
Her approaches address tactical needs while simultaneously deepening culture, advancing equity, and inspiring joyful engagement. She has been recognized for her capabilities as both a strategic advisor and operator as well as her capacity to steer complex, cross-functional initiatives, build collaborative relationships, and structure supportive processes across all areas of an organization.

Beyond her work as a consultant, Sara is also the founder and principal facilitator of the Conscious Collectivist™, a practice dedicated to celebrating interdependence and mutuality. Her work focuses on breaking the cycle of toxic individualism by nurturing sacred desire for growth in spiritually-rooted and community-centered ways.
Sara was also one of the founding committee members for MASGD – The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity – and previously served on the board for Muslims for Progressive Values.

She holds a master’s degree in business administration, with an emphasis in socially responsible business, from the Lorry I. Lokey School of Business at Mills College. She received her bachelor's degree in sociology and Islamic cultural studies from Pitzer College. She is an alumna of the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs. Outside of work, she relishes time with her family, playing with words as a poet and Scrabble enthusiast, and enjoying the landscapes of the San Francisco Bay Area.